Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nelson Suggests That No "Recording Devices" Be Allowed in Board Workshops

At their county Board meeting on Feb 3rd Commissioner Keith Nelson indicated that he was disturbed that the WAW group had video-taped a recent County Board Workshop. He asked that the Board consider banning all "electronic recording devices" from Board Workshops. Other commissioners indicated concern that this would prohibit the press from recording meetings as well. Some commissioners then indicated that it would be OK for the press but not for a "private party" to record Board Workshops. They directed the county attorney to research this issue and they will consider making a policy later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went through this when I was mayor in Roseville, MN. I had 4 city council members who thought that they could remove a citizen who brought a video camera to a council meeting. (funny to note that this citizen of ours grew up in Duluth)

The atty general opinions and the law is crystal clear. Anyone can show up and record any public meeting as long as they don't disrupt the meeting. The governing body can set reasonable guidelines for this, but they have to be reasonable.

The only issue I see of concern is this "beeping" sound. I don't know what kind of recording equipment is being used, but none I use has a beeping sound. I would suggest that this be corrected.

Reasonable guildelines would be that any video cameras on tripods be located on the side or at the back of the room. This is reasonable because you should not block other peoples views from the audience.

This is about the limit of the restrictions they can impose.

Anyone has the right to edit and alter any of the recordings they make. Your tape is your tape. The governing body cannot put restrictions on your tape. You can do the same thing with the legislative coverage from the capitol.

As a side note, about three years ago, I got to personally thank the man who was the Attorney General back when this opinion was written in 1971, Warren Spanaus. Nice guy, great to talk to. He mentioned that there was some nonsense going on back then that generated that opinion.

John Kysylyzyn
Mayor of Roseville, MN