Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Request for Free Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Land by the Duluth Board of Education

A representative from the Duluth Public Schools came asking that the county convey a piece of property (110 feet x 125 feet) by Lester Park School to the District. They want to put a parking lot there. Commissioner Fink spoke against this, indicating that he was concerned about the lost revenue to the county in that the District was not going to break ground until 2011. Debate ensued and the rest of the commissioners thought it made sense to go ahead now, versus making the District come back later. Fink than launched into a story about property in his district that belongs to the school district and how maybe the county might want to make a trade down the road. He was unhappy that folks had made light of the small amount of revenue that SLC was getting from the Lester Park area property and then everyone apologized for having said this. (Commissioner Forsman had done a little math and figured out how much it had cost them in employee time while they debated this issue)

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