Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Comments from Readers

VH said...

This kind of behavior continues to be disappointing and obviously demonstrates the importance of continuing to pay attention to what is actually happening not only at the Board meetings, but at the workshops as well!

Thanks to those who continue to "watch"

September 19, 2007 7:52 PM

Anonymous said...

And, ever the gentleman, Mr. Fink the following day commented to Sweeney in the hall at the courthouse, "About the book throwing, if I had meant to hit you, I wouldn't have missed." Always a class act!

September 20, 2007 2:47 PM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mr. Fink does not get it. He just does not understand that his behavior is the problem. He's making other people's lives miserable and he does not seem to care.

He perceives this as something that can be handled by a policy. He wants to distance it from him and make it clean and cold and someone else's problem.

It's not someone else's problem

It's Dennis Fink's problem and he cannot seem to grasp that regardless of whether he feels something he has done is rude or intimidating or crude - if the person on the receiving end perceives it so, then it is.

Peg Sweeney may decide to let it go and get along, it would be understandable, but still stressful for her. Mr. Fink's assistant got sick of being called "foxy" and being leered at and called into his office for no reason and now she's moved across the hall and he's got a new assistant coming.

Perhaps Mr. Fink has to get along or be put in an off site location where he cannot offend. Why should others have to be moved around to suit him? It's costing the taxpayers a great deal of money to deal with this.

September 20, 2007 9:08 PM


Anonymous said...

More of our property tax dollars go to St Louis County than to any other unit of government. If a few people would attend Board meetings once in a while, I think some of the behavior would improve. I don't believe it is appropriate to call each other names, put each other down, throw books at each other, slam fists on a table, or call employees at 1 am. If our children were doing this, we would call it bullying or harassment. How far is it appropriate for someone to go to get their own way? This issue transcends the entire political spectrum in St Louis County. Some of the members doing the bullying and harassing are conservative and others are liberal. This behavior usually takes place when they think no one is watching. The Board Workshops and Budget Meetings that are NOT on public access television are the most important to attend.

Why can't we disagree with one another without trying to rub one another into the ground? One commissioner was overheard telling another that they just agreed to consider a harassment policy to get "those people" out of "our" boardroom. Well, folks, it's not their boardroom, it belongs to all of us!

Whatever your political point of view, I challenge all the readers of this blog to attend one St Louis County Board meeting, Committee of the Whole meeting, or Board Workshop. You will learn something about the services provided by St Louis County, the issues being considered by the Board, and encourage behavior and decisions that benefit all the stakeholders in St Louis County.

Thank you for caring about your community!
Mary Durward

citizen watcher said...

I could not agree more! Thanks, Mary for your great "call to action"